Governance at 在线赌博推荐 is a shared, participatory system in which all members of the college community have a voice in decision making and an opportunity to provide direction for the college. The structure of governance at 在线赌博推荐 is designed to facilitate an efficient and transparent process for communication and proposals following the cornerstone principles of excellence, collaboration, equity, and accountability.  


Governance at 在线赌博推荐 consists of four standing committees and designated teams. The college president is the chief executive officer of the college directly responsible to the system chancellor and the Board of Trustees. Given that the president is responsible, directly or by delegation, for the administration of the college, the standing committees and teams serve as recommending bodies to the president. Faculty Council, Staff Council, Student Senate, and Cabinet function as consulting bodies to teams, standing committees, and the president.  


To promote success, 在线赌博推荐’s governance model fosters inclusion, communication, and trust. Open and respectful communication encourages the participation of community members throughout the process. Groups within the governance model provide an opportunity for the development of consensus. Teams and standing committees seek consensus and vote only when necessary. 

Guiding Principles  

  1. Governance encourages the community to support the mission, vision, and values alongside the strategic plan of the college. 

  1. Governance provides a conduit for communication, providing the college community with the means to be fully informed on updates, proposals, and decisions. 

  1. Governance encourages participation, community building, and leadership development. 

  1. Governance fosters collegiality in the sharing of perspectives and mutual respect for diverse opinions in a collaborative and cooperative manner. 

  1. Governance is characterized by representation in proportion to interest and expertise across the institution.  

  1. Governance stresses the support of college interests over the interests of individuals or constituent groups. 

To access governance documents or submit a proposal, please go to the 在线赌博推荐 Governance Microsoft Teams site. If you need assistance, email us here.